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Directorate code Directorate Service code Service Revenue or capital code Revenue capital Cost centre Cost centre description Bvsub Category Bvsub description Bvsum code Bvsum description Account code Account description Transaction No Period Transaction Date Amount Classification code Classification description Supplier ID Supplier description Company registration number VAT registration number
7BCDC Corporate & Democratic Core 7CCORPMGT Corporate Management REV Revenue R9828 Redbridge Life 05-THIRD Third Party Payments 05A Independent units within the council 6513 Agency & Contracted Services 60571291 202505 08/08/2004 £1,002.00 61540 Printers 10017122 REACH PUBLISHING SERVICES LTD 8339522 linked data 440356767
6BPUBHEALTH Public Health 6CSEXHEALTH Sexual Health REV Revenue R4804 STI Testing & Treatment 05-THIRD Third Party Payments 05D Health authorities 6703 Hospital Trusts 60576783 202507 30/10/2019 £14,350.20 43860 Hospitals 10028789 CHELSEA AND WESTMINSTER HOSPITAL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST N/A 654915415
6BPUBHEALTH Public Health 6CSEXHEALTH Sexual Health REV Revenue R4804 STI Testing & Treatment 05-THIRD Third Party Payments 05D Health authorities 6703 Hospital Trusts 60576785 202507 25/11/2019 £3,030.01 43860 Hospitals 10028789 CHELSEA AND WESTMINSTER HOSPITAL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST N/A 654915415
9BNONBVO Outside the BVACOP Objective Structure 9CNONBVO Outside the BVACOP Objective Structure BAL Balance Sheet B0095 PO Holding Account 99-NONBV Capital, Balance Sheet and Control 50Q Other Balances & Reserves 9994 AP / PO Holding Account 70133363 202501 29/01/2020 -£5,462.80 21760 Container Mnfrs 10013517 EGBERT H TAYLOR & COMPANY LIMITED 718441 linked data 695267487
1BOTHEROPI&E Other Operating Income & Expenditure 1CTRADSURDEF Trading Account Surpluses & Deficits REV Revenue R9575 Ilford Chambers Service Charge Account 02-PREMISES Premises 02B Energy costs 4002 Gas 80049099 202508 13/02/2020 £576.06 39564 Gas Companies 10015307 KENT COUNTY COUNCIL (GAS & ELECTRIC) N/A 204269191
6BPUBHEALTH Public Health 6CSEXHEALTH Sexual Health REV Revenue R4804 STI Testing & Treatment 05-THIRD Third Party Payments 05D Health authorities 6703 Hospital Trusts 60576807 202507 31/03/2020 £14,350.20 43860 Hospitals 10028789 CHELSEA AND WESTMINSTER HOSPITAL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST N/A 654915415
6BPUBHEALTH Public Health 6CSEXHEALTH Sexual Health REV Revenue R4804 STI Testing & Treatment 05-THIRD Third Party Payments 05D Health authorities 6703 Hospital Trusts 60576808 202507 01/05/2020 £16,320.75 43860 Hospitals 10028789 CHELSEA AND WESTMINSTER HOSPITAL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST N/A 654915415
6BPUBHEALTH Public Health 6CSEXHEALTH Sexual Health REV Revenue R4804 STI Testing & Treatment 05-THIRD Third Party Payments 05D Health authorities 6703 Hospital Trusts 60576809 202507 26/05/2020 £1,961.47 43860 Hospitals 10028789 CHELSEA AND WESTMINSTER HOSPITAL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST N/A 654915415
6BSOCIALSERV Social Services 6CCHILCOMSNG Children's Services - Commissioning & Social Work REV Revenue R2186 F&A - Leaving Care Team 05-THIRD Third Party Payments 05E Government departments 6962 Semi-Independent (Children Services) 60582815 202509 04/06/2020 £2,147.86 01266 Accommodation Agencies - Residential 10035190 Athena Housing and Support Limited N/A N/A
6BPUBHEALTH Public Health 6CSEXHEALTH Sexual Health REV Revenue R4804 STI Testing & Treatment 05-THIRD Third Party Payments 05D Health authorities 6703 Hospital Trusts 60577254 202507 09/06/2020 £8,783.07 43860 Hospitals 10028789 CHELSEA AND WESTMINSTER HOSPITAL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST N/A 654915415
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